How Invisalign can develop the strength of your mouth Teeth that are packed together or too widely spaced can create unhealthy conditions, including swollen gums, redness and pocketing, all of which are signs of periodontal disease. As Invisalign unnoticeably straightens your teeth, it will also make sure your teeth is aligned properly.
Healthier Gums Thorough research has indicated that gum health may improve with the use of Invisalign during orthodontic treatment. Properly aligned teeth can help gums "fit" tighter around each tooth, which may lead to better periodontal health. As opposed to braces, with Invisalign, you can brush and floss normally, which can help to avoid tooth decay and gum disease.
Easier Cleanings Unlike conventional braces, Invisalign has no metal bands or wires to ensnare with food or plaque. Sustaining a good oral hygiene program will inevitably reduce chances of plaque buildup, tooth decay and gum disease.
Improved Chewing and Speech For most individuals, incorrectly situated teeth and jaws can exacerbate speech impairment and chewing problems. Adjusting your bite by straightening your teeth through Invisalign can help improve both.
Lower Risk of Trauma and Abnormal Wear Teeth that are properly aligned will not cause any burden on the supporting bone and jaw joints
Making the decision to straighten your teeth is much easier when you know that Invisalign is flexible enough to let you live your life the way you want to. With Invisalign, you don't need to worry about the gum and mouth irritation other teeth-straightening methods can cause.
With Invisalign, the aligner trays are not only smooth and comfortable to wear, but they're also removable. That means you can continue doing all the things you normally would, from brushing and flossing, to eating whatever you like. With other devices, brushing and flossing properly can often take up to 30 minutes!
Special occasion coming up? No problem - just take your aligners out for that time and pop them back in when you're ready. Of course, even when you're wearing them, most people won't even know you're going through treatment, because they are virtually invisible!
Invisalign is also ideal for your busy schedule, with fewer doctor visits required (approximately every six weeks).
Pattaya City : One of the hottest beach-resort destinations in Thailand,Pattaya may not be idyllic but it certainly makes up for it with a wide variety of activities, accommodation, and nightlife venues. Read more
OrthoSmile is a full service dental clinic in Pataya offering a comforting and relaxing atmosphere one finds in an upscale day spa. Drs. Kasidis, Raungyos and Porndee apply their leading dental expertise in this relaxing retreat, leaving clients refreshed, healthy and rejuvenated.
- Dental implants Pattaya
- Teeth whitening Pattaya
- Invisalign Pattaya
- Smile makeovers
- All ceramic crown & bridge Pattaya
- Braces
- Veneers
- Root canal treatment
- General dentistry
- Full mouth rehabilitation
- Lasersmile
- Gum bleaching (depigmenttation)
- Gum treatment
- Gum lifting and contouring
- Sinus lifting
Phone : 038488354, 038488355, 0896976943
Email : [email protected]
Hours of operation :
Mon-Fri : 9.30-20.00
Sat : 10.00-17.00
Sun : Closed
212/6-7 North Pattaya Rd. Near Fairtex Hotel,
Opposite Terminal 21 department store Banglamung
Chonburi 20150 Email : [email protected]
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